Is Buddhism? - From Friends
of the Western Buddhist Order
- By Venerable
Lama Thubten Yeshe
Centers - Dharma Centers, Meditation Practice Groups and
Temples - From Dharmanet International
The Four Kinds of Buddhism Today
My teacher, Achaan Chah used to wander around the monastery at times and talk to people and just say, "Are you suffering much today?" And if you said, "Yes," he said, "Oh, you must be quite attached," and kind of giggle and go along. There wasn't much more to say. You come to see that you don't own this body because it changes by itself, that you rent this house; you get it for a little while, and you can honor it and feed it and walk it, and jog it if you want, but it's not yours to possess. You can begin to see, in fact, that none of these things are possessible because the nature of life is nonpossession. You're an accountant in the firm -- you get to count it for awhile and that's all.
- - "Eightfold
Path for the Householder" - - by Jack Kornfield from English
Articles in BuddhaSasana,
a Homepage by Binh Anson.
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